Myrto Dimitropoulou Historian (PhD) – Independent Researcher |
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04/07/1977 |
09/2003- 12/2008 |
Doctorat d’Histoire Athènes au XIXe siècle : de la bourgade à la capitaleFaculté de Géographie, Histoire, Histoire de l’Art, Tourisme, Université Lumière, Lyon II, Directeur de thèse Jean-Luc Pinol
09/2001- 06/2003 |
DEA d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine Athènes et les Athéniens à la Belle EpoqueFaculté de Géographie, Histoire, Histoire de l’Art, Tourisme, Université Lumière, Lyon II, Directeur de mémoire Olivier Faron
09/1995-05/2001 |
BA in Economics Department of Economic Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
2021- 2025 |
Research Associate. Research project: ITHACA: Interconnecting Histories and Archives for Migrant Agency: Entangled Narratives Across Europe and the Mediterranean Region. Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Program. Call: H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2020
6/2021 – 9/2021 |
The Benaki Museum Wall texts and captions, Exhibition 1821: The Collectors’ Choice with works from four important private collections: Nikitas Stavrinakis and Evangelias Stavrinaki, Petros Vergos, Apostolos Argyriadis and Stéphan Adler. 25/6 – 12/9/2021. The Benaki Museum 1821: The Collectors' Choice
11/2019 – 2/2020
10/2017 – 6/2019 |
Ionian Hotel Enterprises S.A Principal Investigator. Project: Athens Hilton Historical Archive - Definition of the architecture of the physical and digital historical archive of the luxury hotel Hilton Athens - Communication with local, national and international institutions (companies, universities, Archives, Museums) - Primary and secondary research - Recording, documentation, archiving and file classification - Conduction of open interviews - Writing reports, presentations to the BoD and the public
9/2017 – 11/2017 |
Research centre for the humanities and Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation. Research Associate. Project “Digital Archive for the Greek Revolution of 1821” - Coordination and organization of works for the digitization of the Historical Art Collection of Costa Navarino - Documentation and classification of the Historical Art Collection - Writing of a catalog presenting the Historical Art Collection of Costa Navarino
6/2013 – 6/2017 |
Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation. Principal Investigator. Project: Captain Vassilis and Carmen Konstantakopoulos' personal and professional archive - Definition of the architecture of the physical and digital historical archive - Primary and field research - Recording, classification, archiving and documentation - Coordination, control, guidance of the construction of a Digital Library - Conduction of open videotaped interviews
9/2009 – 10/2014 |
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Researcher - Syllabus co-preparation and editing of the course “Urban History” supervising students - Researcher at research projects for the study of the contemporary social history of the city of Athens funded by the “Special Account” of Research Committee – ELKE. Conduction of primary research, creation of digital data bases (excel), administrative support. - 09/2009 – 01/2010: Preparation and co- writing a proposal of a research project on the history of 20th century Athens with a budget of 600.000 €. Within this framework I had to prepare the technical sheets and the project's budget and coordinate four different research groups and 62 scientists from Greece and Europe. - 11/2008 – 02/2009 Coordinator of the organization of the international conference “Health and welfare: diversity and convergence in policy and practice” with the participation of 67 scientists from ten European countries.
10/2004-09/2007 |
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Researcher. Project: “Economic and social history of modern Athens, 1834-1950”. Scientific coordinator: Eugenia Bournova; Funding body: Operational Programme for Education and Primary Vocational Training II (OPEIVT II) in the framework of “Pythagoras: reinforcement of research groups in the Universities” co-financed by the E.S.F. and national funds - Conduction of primary and field research - Creation of a digital data base (excel) - Co-witting the research proposal - Administrative and financial management of the research program (budget € 80.000)
9/2014 – 7/2015 |
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Co-teaching the course "The urban phenomenon: the creation / expansion of cities" in the action "Plato Academy - The State and the Citizen", subproject Short-term Educational Programs for Adult Citizens, of the Operational Program Education and Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of Education & religious affairs
publications |
"The Athens Hilton Digital Historical Archive (GRHAAH). Challenges and methodology”, in Digitized and natively digital archives: policies, methodologies, applications and considerations, Archion Taxis (in collaboration with E. Mavrikas).
“Influenza from late 19th century to 1920”. Chapter in an edited volume dedicated to the pandemics in the Greek area (in collaboration with E. Bournova)
2022 |
«Histoires de dots, de familles et de transmission des biens à Athènes 19e – début 20e siècle», Annales de Démographie Historique, 2022 (2), 1-16, σ. 115-141 (in collaboration with E. Bournova)
2015 |
"The capital’s social and professional stratification, 1860-1940"in Maloutas T., Spyrellis S. (eds) (2015) Athens Social Atlas. Digital compendium of texts and visual material ( (in collaboration with E. Bournova)
2015 |
"Les réseaux de parrainage dans une capitale orthodoxe: Athènes du milieu du XIXe siècle au milieu du XXe siècle". G. Alfani, V. Gourdon, I. Robin (dir.) Le parrainage en Europe et en Amérique. Pratiques de longue durée (XVIe - XXIe). ed Peter Lang, Bruxelles 2015, p. 405 - 428 (in collaboration with E. Bournova)
2012 |
«[...] ετέλεσεν […]τον γάμον αυτών καθ’ όλας του Νόμου τας διατάξεις και τους εκκλησιαστικούς τύπους». Οι Ληξιαρχικές πράξεις γάμου του Δήμου Αθηναίων, 1862-1910» (““...and I performed the marriage in accordance to the provisions of the Law and the church rules”. The Athenian registers of marriage, 1862-1910”) in Θεωρητικές αναζητήσεις και εμπειρικές έρευνες. Πρακτικά Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Οικονομικής και Κοινωνικής Ιστορίας, Ρέθυμνο December 2008, Publ. ΦΣΠΚ - Αλεξάνδρεια, Athens, 2012, p. 33-54.
2005 |
«Η Αθήνα κατά το δεύτερο μισό του 19ου αιώνα: Χαρακτηριστικά του μεταναστευτικού ρεύματος. Μια πρώτη προσέγγιση» (Athens during the second half of the 19th century: The characteristics of the migration movement. A first approach), in Λ. Σαπουνάκη - Δρακάκη (επιμ.), Η ελληνική πόλη σε ιστορική προοπτική, Publ. Διόνικος, Athens, 2005, p. 123-130.
«Public health in Athens during the first decades of the 20th century». European Society of Historical Demography, Launching Conference, Alghero - Sassari (Sardinia, Italy), 25-27 September 2014. (in collaboration with E. Bournova) |
OCTOBER 2012 |
«Habiter a Athènes, 1860 - 1910. Ségrégation spatiale et résidentielle».1st International Congress. Cities through History: Population, Guimaraes, Portugal, 2012
APRIL 2012 |
«Networks of godparenthood in Athens, 19th and 20th centuries». 9th European Social Science History conference, Glasgow University, Scotland, UK, 2012. (in collaboration with E. Bournova) |
JUNE 2010 |
«Être jeune à Athènes a la fin du XIXe siècle : aspects de la vie juvénile a la capitale grecque». IX Congreso de la Asociacion de Demografia Historica, Ponta Delgada, Azores, 17, 18, 19 June 2010
“In front of me, the Mayor of the city of Athens.” Demographic behavior in Athens during the second half of the 19th century”. International Conference of Economic and Social History. New Perspectives in Theory and Empirical Research, Rethymno, Crete, December 2008.
MARCH 2008 |
«Coordonner les sources athéniennes en quête de la ségrégation. 1860-1940». International Conference Descriptio Urbis. Measuring and representing the modern and contemporary city, Rome, 27 - 29 March 2008. (in collaboration with E. Bournova) |
OCTOBER 2004 |
«Athènes au XIXe siècle : de la bourgade a la capitale». 7th International Conference on Urban History, Piraeus, 27 - 30 October 2004
English (Proficiency) French (D.E.L.F. 2nd Degré) Spanish (Basico)
SCHOLARSHIP 2/2011 – 1/2012 |
Post-doc scholarship from the Hellenic National Scholarships Foundation. Research on the causes of death and the social and demographic characteristics of the deceased in Athens from 1880 to 1910.