• Main Slider

Registry records of deaths, Municipality of Athens, 1859-1920 and 1939-1944

The number of the records registered in the Books of Deaths for the period 1859 - 1920 and 1939 - 1944 is:


Year Number of records of death
1859 893
1860 1051
1861 769
1862 932
1863 1294
1864 1103
1865 1281
1866 1196
1867 1530
1868 1817
1869 1186
1870 1426
1871 1519
1872 1567
1873 1787
1874 1509
1875 1711
1876 1571
1877 1804
1878 1796
1879 1652
1880 2046
1881 2328
1882 2164
1883 1851
1884 1749
1885 2437
1886 2211
1887 2162
1888 2078
1889 2043
1890 2637
1891 2376
1892 2272
1893 2431
1894 2690
1895 2390
1896 2765
1897 3645
1898 3853
1899 2692
1900 2188
1901 3230
1902 3483
1903 3342
1904 3552
1905 3789
1906 3561
1907 3623
1908 3958
1909 3855
1910 3759
1911 2049
1912 3237
1913 3560
1914 4369
1915 4396
1916 4672
1917 6398
1918 9296
1919 6056
1920 6084
Total 1 166671
1939 7603
1940 7481
1941 12395
1942 22320
1943 8084
1944 10680
Total 2 68562


The information contained in the death certificates is: 


Date of declaration
Place where the death took place
Declarer's name
Declarer's place of origin
Declarer's age
Declarer's occupation
Possible relation between declarer and deceased
Date of death
Deceased's name
Deceased's place of origin
Deceased's age
Deceased's occupation
Cause of death
Forensic surgeon's name
Witness's name
Witness's occupation


  • K45 11 960
  • K45 32 997